Monday, June 26, 2017


The Double Submarine is a Mouthful
How To Build One

It is a monster contraption, the double submarine, that nosed into sight along the East Coast
late in WWII. The original site of its appearance is a matter of contention but no one argues over its present home base.

Jack Twilley's, “stand up and at 'em snack bar” at Rehoboth Beach , Delaware, a most proper summer resort town. Twilley's little bar opens it's front on Rehoboth's main avenue, very near the
ocean beach and boardwalk. .

It is learned that “submarines” never miss a beach picnic, beer parties, boat trips. Mom's with home freezers buy 'subs' by the dozen to freeze, defrost, and eat, when the gang gathers.

Another trick is to wrap the 'Paul Bunyan' tibits in waxed paper, chill a few hours, slice crossways, eight cut per sandwich , a four bite snack, to serve with your favorite evening cocktail.

Take a long soft finger roll, the longer the better, at least nine inches long, or you can use
French Flute bread or Italian Hard rolls, just whack off nine inch cuts.

Split the bread, open it like a book, and then 'build'. Lay on, in this order, three thin slices of pressed ham, , two thin slices provoloni cheese, lettuce leaves, four slices of tomato. Sprinkle with
thyme, celery seed, salt, flood with olive oil, add onion's, dill pickle's, and slivers of real hot
peppers. You need to set your mouth on fire to really enjoy. Also, it's a bit better when chilled. Then
too, other sliced meats and cheese can be added to an individuals taste buds.

Source: Los Angeles Times, California, “How America Eats”, by Cementine Paddleford. Sunday, August, 7, 1949.

Sunday, June 25, 2017



JUNE 25, 1956

The last Packard, a classic American luxury car, “Ask the Man Who Owns One', rolld off the production line in Detroit, Michigan , on this day.

Brothers, James Ward Packard and William Dowd Packard, both mechanical engineers, built their first automobile, a buggy type vehicle with a single cylinder engine, in Warren, Ohio in 1899.
The Packard Motor Company went on to earn fame early on for a four cylinder speedster by name of
The “Grey Wolf”, in 1904.

The 1916 “”Twin Six” Packard, with a V-12 engine, established itself as the leading luxury car
manufacture of the country.

Wotld War I saw Packard convert to war production earlier than most companies and the “Twin Six” was adapted into the “Liberty” aircraft engine which was by far the most important single output of America's wartime industry.

The large square body and hand finished attention to detail of Packard suggested elegant solidity .

World War II halted consumer car production and post war Packard struggled with Cadiliac and it's V-16 engine.

In 1950, with dwindling sale, Packard merged with Studebaker and this company became the fourth largest car manufacturer in the nation. Eventually they failed to achieve sufficient sales and discontinued build automobiles on June 25, 1956.

Source: June 25 2017 /abstract Harrison

Friday, June 23, 2017


APRIL 1914

Agony was the word. The job required the services of at least two, three will be better,
husky men and is an athletic feat beside which a wrestling match is child's play.

A 'bed wrench' was found at a second hand curiosity shop and took the finder back to his
boyhood days immediately.

Don't know what a 'bed wrench' is? Of course you don't, nobody, born this century does, and that is because they never had to 'put up' a cord bed stead, nor, having had the privilege of sleeping in the 'bed' it held.

Next to putting up the wood stove pipe, or, laying the carpet, having to use a flat iron to drive the leather head tacks, the assembling of a cord bedstead of our granddads time, called for the most peremptory giving of all Christian virtues a vacation until the job is doe.

The cord bedstead was a joy and the favorite bedstead in those days. There are four post, of any height or girth to suit the person or his pocketbook. Anywhere, repeat 'anywhere', from three to four feet from the floor a hole was bored in two sides of each post facing each other when the footboard and headboard post are stood up to be connected. The holes were bored with a thread to take the screw out on the ends of the connecting pieces at the sides and ends of the bedstead.

These connecting pieces were round and on what was to be the top of them when the bedstead was set up was a row of 'pegs' shaped like so many mushrooms. A hole about an inch in diameter run through each of the four connecting pieces . When the bedstead was assembled by the fitting of the connecting pieces into the holes in the post and screwed up tight and in place by means o a stout sti9ck thrust through the holes in the round pieces , the bed was ready to be 'corded up' . This is where
he 'wrench' came into play.

The bed wrench was something like a stout wooden hand vise. The cord, a rope like clothesline
but of good quality, was run around the mushroom like pegs which are a few inches apart , lengthwise and crosswise from connecting piece to connecting piece, like a big meshed net.

The cord could not be drawn taut enough by hand only, so the biggest, srtongest. Meanest, person among the group , grabbed the 'wrench' , tangled it up somewhere, repeat somewhere, in a part of the cord where the tautening up process was to begin and by persistent leverage around and about the bedstead at last wrenched the cord into a condition of satisfactory tautness.

Here the tumult ended. Now don't go away with the idea the work of the setting up of the
cord bedstead was accomplished with the ease and the brief time it takes to tell about it. It generally required two or three capable men to tackle the job in any hope of succeeding with it , for in the way
of refractory disposition and demoniacal perversity the cord bedstead of the old days had the breechey cow in the garden skinned by a mile.

It has been known that the good wife has taken the children to the root cellar while the old man and his help were dallying with the cord bedstead in an effort to set it up, giving their opinion of it as it wobbled and slid and careened and skidded at tense and critical stages of the getting of it together.

Then, when it was all up good and solid, mother would come in the room and put the straw
tick on the web of the bed cord. The tick had a large slit where we filled it with fresh rye straw until it looked like balloon ready to take off. Then tumbled upon the straw tick was the feather bed, two or three feet high, with swelling fluff of geese feathers into which you buried yourself out of sight after climbing in bed. Next the sheets, blankets, quilt and comforter , big bulbous pillows, bed was ready.

That's what a bed wrench is and that is the cord bedstead it wrenched.

Source: Article in Delaware Pilot, 3 April 1914 , by New York Sun / abstract by Harrison Howeth.

Thursday, June 22, 2017


JUNE 22 1611

Henry Hudson, an English sea explorer and navigator, well known for exploring Canada and the northeast of America, the Chesapeake and Delaware Bays early 17th century.

His winter of 1611 was spent trapped by ice in present day Hudson Bay with the ship “Discovery” and its crew which unwilling to sail farther into the unknown, mutinied, and set him, his teenage son and seven supporters adrift in a small open boat.

Henry Hudson, age 46, nor the eight others were never seen again.

In 1609 Hudson had sailed to the Americas, seeking a northwest passage to Asia, and while here he entered the Chesapeake, Delaware and Hudson Bays, discovering the Hudson River. Since his voyage was financed by the Dutch the region was latter claimed by the Netherlands.

His 1610 expedition out of London, financed by some English adventurers, Hudson sailed the “Discovery” across the Aeth

tlantic still seeking the northwest passage. Between Greenland and Labrador entered the Hudson Bay through the Straits of Hudson. After three months of exploration the discovery was found to be too far from sea when winter set in and November the ship was hauled to shore and a winter camp set up. The expedition suffered the extreme cold lacking food or supplies which was held against Henry Hudson and the crew mutinied against him.

When the “Discovery” later returned to England the crew was arrested for the mutiny and Henry Hudson whose discoveries gave England claim to the rich Hudson Bay region, was never seen

Source: day in history /
Abstract 6/22/17 Harrison How

Wednesday, June 21, 2017



A knotted line has a series of evenly spaced knots tied along its length and was attached to a
triangular block of wood.

The calculate a ships speed a sailor using a hourglass as the timer, tossed the end of the line with the wood block overboard. As the line played out into the sea, the sailor counted the number of knots that passed through his hands before the sand in the hourglass timer ran out.

He could than estimate the number of “knots” that his ship was traveling through the waters of the sea. The tides and currents also had to be factored into the calculations which at that time more of an art than a science.

Source: Ben Franklin Voyage London to Philadelphia (1905 Albert Henry Smyth) / Michael Morgan's
Delaware Diary, Delaware Coast Press, June 21, 2017. Abstract by Harrison.

Thursday, June 8, 2017


JUNE 8 1874

Chief Cochise, Apache Indian Chief died in the Chiricahua Reservation in southeastern Arizona on the 8th of June 1874. Very l ittle is known of Cochise's early life but by the mid 19th century he had become the leader of the Chiricahua Apache Indian tribe living in southern Arizona and northern Mexico.
As a leader of the Apache nation who resented the encroachment of settlers to the Indian's
traditional lands he led raids in both Mexico and America. His war with the Americans came mostly by a misunderstanding that happened in October 1860 when a band of Apache's attacked the ranch of an Irish American by name of John Ward, kidnapped an adopted son, by name of Felix Tellez.
Although Ward was not at the ranch during the raids, he believed Cochise had been the leader and demanded the Army rescue the boy and bring Cochise to justice. Lieutenant George Bascom
obliged and took Cochise and a party of Indians , he had invited to a night of entertainment at a stage station, as prisoners, much to the surprise of the Indians.

Cochise told Bascom he had not been responsible for the kidnapping but Bascom ordered
Cochise held a hostage until boy was returned, however, Cochise escaped not being able to tolerate the unjust imprisonment. The next ten years , Cochise and his warriors increased raids on settlement and did battle with soldiers until 1772, when the U. S. offered Cochise a reservation in the southeastern corner of Arizona if they would cease hostilities, to which Cochise agreed , saying “the white men and the Indian are to drink of the same waters, eat of the same bread and be at peace.”

For Cochise this peace did not last long, as in 1874 he became ill with cancer , and died this day in June 8, 1874. His warriors painted his body yellow, black and vermilion , then took his deep into the Dragooon mountains, buried his remains in a rocky crevice at an unknown location, now called “Cochise's Stronghold”

Ten years after Cochises death, the kidnapped boy, Felix Tellez, resurfaced as an Apache speaking scout for the U. S. Army, and reported that not Cochise, but a tribe of Western Apache had kidnapped him.

Abstract 2017, Harrison Howeth – /thisdayinhistory, A&E Television Networks, LLC.

Post: www, 8 June 2017