Thursday, June 8, 2017


JUNE 8 1874

Chief Cochise, Apache Indian Chief died in the Chiricahua Reservation in southeastern Arizona on the 8th of June 1874. Very l ittle is known of Cochise's early life but by the mid 19th century he had become the leader of the Chiricahua Apache Indian tribe living in southern Arizona and northern Mexico.
As a leader of the Apache nation who resented the encroachment of settlers to the Indian's
traditional lands he led raids in both Mexico and America. His war with the Americans came mostly by a misunderstanding that happened in October 1860 when a band of Apache's attacked the ranch of an Irish American by name of John Ward, kidnapped an adopted son, by name of Felix Tellez.
Although Ward was not at the ranch during the raids, he believed Cochise had been the leader and demanded the Army rescue the boy and bring Cochise to justice. Lieutenant George Bascom
obliged and took Cochise and a party of Indians , he had invited to a night of entertainment at a stage station, as prisoners, much to the surprise of the Indians.

Cochise told Bascom he had not been responsible for the kidnapping but Bascom ordered
Cochise held a hostage until boy was returned, however, Cochise escaped not being able to tolerate the unjust imprisonment. The next ten years , Cochise and his warriors increased raids on settlement and did battle with soldiers until 1772, when the U. S. offered Cochise a reservation in the southeastern corner of Arizona if they would cease hostilities, to which Cochise agreed , saying “the white men and the Indian are to drink of the same waters, eat of the same bread and be at peace.”

For Cochise this peace did not last long, as in 1874 he became ill with cancer , and died this day in June 8, 1874. His warriors painted his body yellow, black and vermilion , then took his deep into the Dragooon mountains, buried his remains in a rocky crevice at an unknown location, now called “Cochise's Stronghold”

Ten years after Cochises death, the kidnapped boy, Felix Tellez, resurfaced as an Apache speaking scout for the U. S. Army, and reported that not Cochise, but a tribe of Western Apache had kidnapped him.

Abstract 2017, Harrison Howeth – /thisdayinhistory, A&E Television Networks, LLC.

Post: www, 8 June 2017

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