Tuesday, January 9, 2018



This abstract is sharing an article from the blog of Wendi Moore, a lifelong nurse of

Portland, Oregon which blog , “The Half Filled Glass” , carried it to the world wide web on

Thursday, June 28, 2012. It sends us this message or statement, whichever, of the

Dalai Lama, about 'paradoxes' we live under these days. His statement reads:

We have bigger houses as homes but smaller families, we have modern
conveniences but less time, we have mote education but less sense, more
knowledge, less judgment. We have more medicines but are less healthy.

We have been all the way to the moon and back but e have trouble crossing
the street or going next door to meet new neighbors. Our computers hold
more information but we have less personal communication.

We are long on quantity, short on quality, These are days of fast food but slow
digestion, tall men but short character , There are steep profits but shallow
relationships, yes, it is a time when there is much in the window but nothing
in the room.
Wendi asks, how did this happen ? She thinks it boils down to greed. Are we a
culture of wanter's and takers ?

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