Tuesday, March 28, 2017



Planking fresh fish, or, fish on a shingle, generally is an outdoors fish fry, where a great open fire is accessible, for feeding a large number of people.

However, in a 1897 issue of the “Ladies Home Journal” an article gives light to how 'planked fish' can be served to perfection in a small, modest American home.

Planking gives a peculiar flavor which makes the fish more delicious than when cooked in any other way. Shad or white dish is a favorite.

If one has a gas stove the method is simple, however, the oven of a Heartland or Blackwood cast iron cook stove of the 1920's fills the bill well also. Next needed is a 'plank' , one inch or two thick, and make sure it will fit the oven with the door shut tight. For best taste this needs to be Hickory,
at least make it hard wood. When your fish is ready, split down the back side, put the plank in the already hot oven, get it so hot you cannot touch it with bare hands, real hot. Put the fish, skin down, on the plank, season with your favorites, salt, pepper, butter, and such. Bake with oven door shut for about a half an hour. While the fish is cooking you may baste it with your favorite seasoning.
After the done fish is removed from the oven, be sure to have lots of lemon and other seasons to apply the hot 'planked' shad or white fish.

Source: Wilmington Evening News Journal, 29 March 1897. Article by Mrs. S. T. Rorer, Ladies Home Journal.

DEADWOOD DICK 1847 - 1930


May 6, 1930, Deadwood, South Dakota, the Black Hills gold mining town, where dance halls and saloons bring in tourist, the last of a picturesque procession of early plainsmen died of old age and pneumonia.

'Deadwood Dick' m Indian fighter, fur trader, pony express rider and military scout for General George Custer. He was 83 years old.

With the death this year of 'Poker Alice' Tubbs, it left 'Deadwood Dick' the lone survivor of the Black Hills pioneers, whose exploits gave reality to Wild West novels.

Gone before there was 'Wild Bill Hickok' who was shot in the back of his head by Jack McCall in a Deadwood gaming house. Preacher Smith, killed by the Indians, Johnny Slaughter, stage coach driver, shot and killed by robbers stealing a shipment of gold .
“Poker Alice”, graduate of a select southern girls school, attained the distinction of a poker and faro dealer in the gold camps, was the best known woman character of early Black Hill days.

Another was 'Calamity Jane' who was Martha Jane Canary, who had a
questionable reputation, but gained the 'nickname' when mountain fever broke out in General Cooks camp near Rapid City and she nursed sick soldiers back to health.

Most of of the pioneers we talk about today, 'died with their boots on' but Deadwood Dick did not. Surviving the rigors of the wild west pioneer life, he lived to become a tradition and was pointed out to tourist as the last landmark of the 'old west'. Last year, he made a trip to Washington, D.C. by airplane and was received and honored by President Coolidge.

He was born, 1847, Richard Clarke, in Hansbourough, England, came to America at age16, joined up with a party of prospectors in Illinois and made the difficult over land trip to the black Hills when the 'gold rush' was at it height.

As Richard Clarke he became a stage coach driver out of Deadwood where he became known
as 'Deadwood Dick' .

Abstract: Wilmington Evening Journal, May 6, 1930, Wilmington, Delaware

1930 55th anniversary of maritime exchange at Lewes Breakwater.


55th Anniversary in 1930

The Philadelphia Maritime Ship Exchange enters it's 55th year of operation with the re-election

of S. W. Holten as president.

Organized in 1878 to furnish shipping intelligence and when incorporated in 1882 was one of

two such organizations in the United States. It established a chain of reporting stations of vessels on

the Delaware River & Bay which are located at Breakwater, Lewes, Reedy Island, New Castle and

Marcus Hook. The report includes the vessel name and time of arrival and is made public to the more

than one hundred members who are shipping managers, businessmen, insurance lawyers, etc.
On the way out the vessel name and country, its cargo and destination is reported and recorded.

James Kernan, the secretary since 1917 is the executive in charge of the exchange activities.

May 8, 1930 Wilmington Evening Journal , Wilmington, Delaware

Monday, March 27, 2017


The 1940 U. S. Federal census was  opened to the public April 2, 2012,   72 year after it was taken in April 1940.  Records show the 37 million people tried to access the web site the first day.

You probably are included in the census.

This census contains rich and unique information,  names, age, gender, race, education and place of birth.. New is "Who of the household responded to the census". There for if it were a neighbor or other, the data may not be accurate.  Also was asked if you worked during "The New Deal"  for the CCC, WPA, NYA programs.  WPA sponsored programs which collected a wealth of genealogical then available.  You can also learn how much money mom and dad made the year ending December 21, 1939.

Where did you live in 1935 ?  It will located you there.  remember the farm people were suffering in the "dust bowl" then. It tells how much education the population received.


March 29  1827  Wilmington Delaware
Under the superintendence and instructions of WILLIAM SHERER and assisted by accomplished female teachers, the course of instruction pursued at this seminary comprises all of the useful and  most of the ornamental branches of female education.   Daily exercises are Orthogtaphy, Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, English Grammer, Rhetoric, Geography, and History, ancient and modern,  reference to the best maps and charts,  construction of maps, uses of the Globe,  Natural History, Natural Philosopy, to include Astromomy and Chemistry and elements of Moral Science.
There are weekly exercises of Biblical Recitations,  Evidences of Christianity,  Letter Writing, and other species of Composition,  and  Recapitulations.
TERMS: Board and Tuition, in any of the fore mentioned branches, $32.50 per quarter;  if paid in advance $30.00;   Music, includes use of piano, $12 ;  French, by the best available masters,  $6 per quarter ; Other ornamental branches, drawing, requires extra moderate charges.
The discipline is Christian, parental and mild.  Particular attention is paid not only to the manners of  the young ladies, but to their moral and religious instructions.  Upon parental approval they are conducted to places of worship.
Exercise and recreation, essential to health and of mental  energy, occupy times not devoted to studies.
References may be heard from Rev. e. W. Gilbert,  Hon. W. Hall,  Hon. Louis McLane of Wilmington.  In Philadelphia,  Rev. Dr. Wilson,  Rev. Dr. Jamesway,  Mr. William Janiver, merchant, and James G. Thompson, Professor of Languages, Univ. of Pennsylvania.

Abstract of add in Thursday, March 29th, 1827,  Wilmingtonian & Delaware Advertiser newspaper.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017



 Grandparents are a lady and a man who have no little children of their own. They like others peoples.

A grandfather is a man grandmother.

Grandparents don't have anything to do except be there when we come to see them.  They are so old rey shoudent play hard or run. It is good if they drive us to the store and have lots of quarters for us.

When they take us for walks they slow down for things like pretty leaves and caterpillars.

They show and tell us about the color of the flowers and why we shouldn't step on cracks.

They don't ay "Hurry Up"

Usually grandparents are fat, but not too fat to tie your shoes.

They wear glasses and funny underwear.

They can take their teeth and gums out.

Grandparents don't have to be smart.   They have to answer questions like "why isn't God married"
and "How come dogs chase cats".

When they read to us they don't skip. They don't mind if we ask for the same story over again.

Everybody shuld have a grandmother, especially if you don't have television, because they are the only grownups who like to spend time with us.

They know we should have snack time before bedtime and say prayers  with us and kiss us even when we have acted bad.

When asked where his grandmother lives he said, " She lives at the airport and when we want her we just go get her. Then when we are done having her visit, we take her back to the airport. "

Monday, March 6, 2017



Perth Amboy , New Jersey, has, in its city hall yard, an Elm tree planted in 1815 which has

withstood bouts of Dutch elm disease and poundings of brutal storms for over 200 years. The tree is

considered a symbol of the sea coast town 's strength and ties to the nations history.

Agriculture researchers and the officials of the city want to ensure the genetic heritage of this

tree. Originally, the plan was to save the elm's seeds by the cryopreserve method, but it was found

because there was no other elm tree nearby to pollinate the flowers, therefore there were no embryos

within the seeds. Now, twigs, cut from the aging trees branches, will be stored in a 'flash frozen ' state

for decades or even centuries. That's what the crypreserve method is.

New Jersey's DEP , USDA, the national laboratory of Genetic Resources Preservation in

Colorado are the principals involved in this effort.

Abstract from article by Jan Suszkiw, in the March 2017 issue of Country Folks Grower

newsletter of Palatine Bridge, New York .