Thursday, September 28, 2017



June 29, 1945 Wilmington Morning News, Wilmington, Delaware.

Lewes Delaware

Next Monday night the first of a series of weekly dances are to be held at the Lewes USO
Club, sponsored by the new Lewes USO Councel The dances are to be held every Monday during
the summer between 8 and 11 pm.

The music will be furnished by the Fort Miles Sandunairs of Corporal Stanley Ross.
Mrs. William T. Atkins, council chairman, heads the hostesses, young girls from Lewes,
Rehoboth, and other nearby towns.

Salvation Army director, Captain John Wilson , a USO overseeer, will transfer to other
duties after this weeks dance.

The Lewes Beach summer colony is steadily growing as out of town visitors and Lewes
town folk move to their summer cottages for the summer. July Fourth is ecpected to have a
record crowd.

The Lewes Yacht Club will hold their second summer party for club members and guest.
A buffet supper will be served , arranged by Mrs William Teal, president of the club auxiliary with
her committee, Mrs Tony Potter, Mrs William D. Collings and Miss Marjorie Virden.

The Ralph Rust's, former owners of “Trade Winds”, of Lewes Beach, now of West Palm Beach, will visit the middle of July. Mr. Rust, is former Lieutenant Colonel of Governor Bacons staff and the head of State Salvage Commission. Mrs Rust is former Mary Messick, daughter of
Dr. Messick, Rehoboth physician.

The Lewes Beach summer cottage of Charles Melson of Longwood is occupied by Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Woodside family and Miss Gertrude Collins of Pittman, New Jersey.

Lt. Commander G. Herbert Orton, Delaware River Pilot, Mrs Orton, and their two children
have closed their Pilot Town Road home and moved to their cottage on the beach.

Mr. and Mrs. Curt Roney of Wilmington, and their daughter, Joan, have arrived and will spend the summer with Mrs Roney's mother, Mrs. Steve Pierce, on Beebe Avenue.

Dr. Richard C. Beebe and Mrs Beebe, and daughter, Mrs. Ed Moore, spent Wednesday at College Park, Maryland to attend the graduation of Violet Beebe , the younges daughter. Viole t will return to Lewes to spend her summer vacation.

The Molloy C. Vaughn family, and children Louise and William, of Dixie Del Farms, have moved to Rehoboth for the summer.

Lt. Commander and Mrs Teal, Sr. of Beebe Avenue have their daughter, Mrs. Mitchel Miller,
of Philadelphia visiting with them.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Haveerbeck of Wilmington, daughter Mary Jo, are guest of Mrs.
James Prettyman, Mulberry Street, Mrs Haverback's mother.

Mr. and Mrs. Alexander F. Arthur, have returned to Homestead, Florida, after a visit with
Mrs Arthur's parents, theAtkins on Fourth Street.

Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson have their daughter , Mrs. Jack Warren, of Newark, school teacher,
home for the summer vacation.

Mrs Campbell Bowser, of Jeffersonville, Indiana, is visiting her mother Mrs John C. Burton,
on Washington Avenue.

Mrs George Downs has received word of the safe arrival of the daughter, Lt. Edith Downs
at Luzan. Philippines, of the Army Nurse Corps. Lt. Downs was recently stationed at Camp
Stoneman in Californioa .

Commander and Mrs Rodney Evans have visited on Lewes Beach, Lt. Commander and Mrs. Donald Evans. Commander Evans has been assigned new duties in Panama after serving in Miami the past winter. He was at Lewes with a Navy unit at he first of the war.

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