Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Capt. John Barns Smith, Pilot Drowns in Rehoboth Bay




The body of Delaware River pilot Capt. John Barns Smith , age 31, was recovered
in Rehoboth Bay by the Coast Guard, 400 yards offshore Slippery Point.
Smith disappeared last evening while swimming with Miss Irene Hargas, 22 year
old nurse at the Beebe Hospital in Lewes. The pair had left a party at 10 pm from the
summer home of Fred Campbell at Herring Creek in a outboard motorboat and on the way
decided to go swimming . While swimming, Smith disappeared beneath the surface. It is
believed he had a heart attack since he was known to be a strong swimmer.

Miss Hargas became excited and while trying to find Smith let the boat driftt away,
she then was able to make shore 50 yards away to Camp Arrowhead, a boys camp,
operated by Col. Ralph Sasse, who assisted her for shock and hysteria, got her to Beebe
Hospital where her condition is reported improved. Miss Hargas, a native of Lock Haven,
had just learned to swim three weeks ago.

A search was made by Coast Guardsmen, under Chief Mate Alfred Quillen,
assisted by fellow pilots at the party, including Herbert Orton, J. Wright Roland, Capt.
Campbell and Harry Roland .

Smith, one of the younger pilots has been a member of the group since 1942. He
was born in Lewes, son of Nathaniel S. and Marian Barnes Smith, a grandson of the
late Captain James Barnes, one of Lewes's old time pilots.

Abstract: Wilmington Morning News July 14, 1948 by Harrison H. 06/05/18

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