Friday, June 15, 2018



Sea lettuce is mentioned in the June 15, 2018 issue of Cape Gazette.

What is SEA LETTUCE?     Just in case you might want to know, here is what I found
about what appears to be a weed hereabouts.

The Gazette says it is useless but thrives in local water ways, is slimy, robs the waters
oxygen, stank, drew flies and killed shellfish. May have caused some beach folks to move 
to the mountains. 

Wikipedia says it is an edible green algae, known as Ulva, is available world wide. Other
names it has are lactuca, latin for lettuce, Enteromorpha and green nori. Th e'blades',
I assume they mean leaves, can grow to be 16 inches in size, is light to dark green in color.

Now lets get to the eating of. Sea fare, manatees and the slug “sea hares” are included.

Humans of Scandinavia, Great Britain, Ireland, China and Japan. In Japan it is aosa. They
eat it raw in salads or cook it in soups. It is high in protein, fiber and a variety of vitamins,
minerals, and iron. Some places with high contamination of toxic metals it is dangerous for
human consumption.

The rotting sea lettuce leaves will produce hydrogen sulfide which is toxic, and cause
death. Sea Lettuce is able to grow where no other plants can.
Have you tried sea lettuce salad ? Are you going to try a sea lettuce salad ? Got to the bay
beach for all you want. It's free for the taking, I assume. If you like it, thank Dennis
Forney. He's the one who brought it up.

Absrtact: WikipediA by Harrison Howeth 06/15/18

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