With a compulsive talker,
silence is out of the question. By nature, I tend to sit
back and listen.
Eventually, a compulsive talker will show up. More often the
case, you
belong to a group, like a
coffee shop bunch, which has a compulsive talker or maybe two.
It soon is a bit annoying
and a little pathetic, perhaps to the point you just want to get
up and leave.
“Compulsive” is a
behavior a person cannot seem to control, and the person is often
aware of it but compelled
to do it anyway.
A common cause of
compulsive behavior is “anxiety'. The root of anxiety is usually
feelings of insecurity or
inadequacy. Some just don't feel good about themselves.
Despite their arrogance
they feel like they don't measure up or fit in and try to show
that they do in fact
measure up and fit. They need to “prove” themselves, like “I
have one
better” or “let me
tell you what”.
Source: Dr. M. J. Hurd,
author & psychotherapist.
Compulsive talking is
talking that goes beyond acceptable.
Source: Wikipedia.
Characteristics of
compulsive talking are the volume, speed and duration in always
on the high side, a one
sided monologue, talker ask and answer own questions, change of
mood and fidgetiness. .
Dr. Herman Mittal, psychiatrist and writer.
Abstracts: 06/27/18 by
Harrison H.
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