Sunday, July 29, 2018



JULY 29, 1941

Lewes, Delaware 29 July 1941:

Rods and reels were the weapons as two teams of anglers met today to decide the
fishing abilities of the Delaware Bay fishermen and the Chesapeake Bay fishermen.

Weather conditions were none too good when the Delaware team, five of the best that
the Lewes Anglers Association has, left for their favorite fishing grounds.

A northeaster was whipping up the Delaware Bay and that ment the fishing would not be
so good and there was talk of a postponment, however, the Maryland fishermen held
that the weather off Tilghman Island was ideal, so the competion went off on schedule.

The Delaware team, headed by Captain Samuel Howarth, are fishing for twelve hours,
8 am to 8 pm.

The Maryland team will start at noon and fish until midnight.

The winner will be decided by the poindage of edible fish landed by the two parties.

The Lewes party composed of Capt. Howarth, Capt. William Buckaloo, Capt. Roy
Newlin and Capt. Claude Neifert, were fifty minutes behind at launch tume dur to the
storm. Their vessel was the 40 foot cruiser LewDel .

Both teams prepared for the contest with a night of festivities but were on line early this

The fish caught will be donated to hospitials and needy families.

Abstract of Wilmington Mornimg News , Tursday. July 29. 1941. Harrison H. 7/29/18

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