Sunday, April 30, 2017

1827 CUBA

CUBA IN 1827

The streets of Havanna are very narrow an lowest in the center. Side walks are in proportion and as little attention is paid to keeping any part of the pavement in repair, it is difficult to walk with ease.
In addition to this the part of the city next to the wharf is usually crowded with mules, carts and negroes.
The most prominent public building that meets the eye after landing is the government house, aka “Casa de Goberno”. This fronts on a square, Plaza de Pirmas, it is two stories high, supported in front by ten heavy pillars and arches and occupies a square of nearly 300 feet. The lower apartment is is used for the various civil and military offices of the government. In the center is a large gate opening to the court yard and the upper story is occupied by the Captain General and his officers. The public prison is one one side and military on the other.
The Plaza de Armas, in front of this building is a square of equal size. It was once a grass plot but the present governor has erected a tow foot high stone wall around it and placed an iron railing on it. He has subdivided it into smaller squares by stone walks running through it, and around each of the divisions in the center. An iron railing is being erected. Such of the beds as are already finished are filled with a variety of flowers, cultivated with the greatest of care. This lace is used as a public walk for the ladies at evening.
On Thursday evening of each week the royal band of musicians parade on one side of the square while the center is occupied by spectators usually comprising the youthful of both sexes.
On such occasions the dress of the ladies is white , with no head dress, except perhaps a few roses twined in the hair. When the moon is shining the effect is singularly beautiful.
On one side of the square is the Post Office, aka Correo, occupied for a variety of purposes beside the one indicated by its name. The front of this building is not very unlike that of the Government house.
The building occupied by the officers of the customs are small and low and situated near the wharf, to which there are several passages guarded by soldiers, and as most articles of produce of the Island pay an export duty, an officer is always placed there to prevent any contraband.
Another public walk, called the Alameda, overlooks the bay, is 100 rods in length and two in width, with a walk built of stone four feet high on the side of of the water and a similar one three feet high next to the road. The walk is entirely of stone, plastered and rendered as smooth as a marble hearth. It is generally thronged on moonlight nights when the reflection of light from the bay, the music of the forts, and the display of beauty and the mildness of the Cuban sky give a peculiar sensation of pleasure. At the head of this walk is the Theater of which nothing can be said except that in its appearance it is a decent building. Performances of the stage are generally characterized by decency.
On the opposite side of the bay is Regla, once the resort of pirates. Boats are constantly crossing to this place on feast days. The number of these small boats is upwards of 300, all covered by an awning over the stern.

Abstract : Harrison Howeth, 2017 , from Wilmingtonian & Delaware Advertiser , 3 May 1827 .

Horse & Wagon Ordnance Wilmngton 1827




An ordinance for regulation of owners, riders, drivers of carriages, wagons, carts, drays and horses within the Borough of Wilmington, Delawar

Section 1: Be it ordained by the Burgesses and Borough Council of the Borough of Wilmington: That from and after the passing of this ordinance, all and every the drivers or driver of all stages, coaches, wagons, carts drays and all other
carriages of pleasure or burden , driving and passing in and through the streets and lanes or alleys, of this Borough, shall keep on that side of the street, lane or alley on his or their right hand, respectively, in the passing direction, and if any driver of any such carriage, wagon, cart or dray, shall drive the same in the middle of the street, lane or alley, or on the left hand side of the same, so as to prevent or or obstruct another carriage from passing along said street, every driver so offending shall forfeit and pay for each and every such offense, a sum, not to exceed five dollars, nor less that one dollar, to be recovered with cost, before either of the Burgesses , in the same manor as debts of under 40 shilling are by law recoverable, one moiety whereof shall be for the use of the person suing for the same, and the other moiety shall be for the use of the Borough.

Section 2: And be it further ordained: That if any driver of any such carriage or if any person riding upon any horse, mare or gelding shall permit or suffer the beast or beasts he shall so drive or ride, to go to a gallop or other immoderate gait, or shall engage in running or racing in any manner with the driver or rider of any other carriage, horse, mare or gelding, within any streets, lanes or alley of this Borough, every person so offending shall forfeit and pay for every such offense a sum not exceeding five dollars nor less than one dollar to be recovered with cost, by any person in the manner and for the uses herein before mentioned.

Section 3: And be it further ordained: That if any person shall willfully permit or suffer any horse, mare or gelding to go at large through any streets, lands or alleys of this Borough, every person so offending shall forfeit and pay for every offense, the sum of one dollar, to be recovered with cost by any person in the manner and for the uses herein before mentioned.

Section 4: And be it further ordained: The the ordinance entitled “ An ordinance to prevent the accidents and dangers that may happen by people driving heir teams out of a walk faster than is herein specified, and any persons playing at long bullets or any other game whereby there be damage sustained “ passed on the thirty first day of August in the year of our lord 1751, be and the same is hereby repealed, made null and void .
Passed at the Town Hall April 7, 1827
James B Robson, First Burgess
Attest J. P. Fairlamb,
Clerk of the Borough Council

Abstract: April 30, 2017, Harrison Howeth, from Thursday, May 3, 1827, Wilmingtonian and Delaware Advertiser, Wilmington, Delaware.

Saturday, April 29, 2017


As early as 1609 Dutch explorer Henry Hudson was the first European
to pursue explorations in the new world. He was sent to seek America and arrived at the mouth of now Delaware Bay on the 28th of August of 1609. Hudson then sailed up the New Jersey coast and anchored off Sandy Hook on September 3. Nine days later he sailed through the Narrows into New York Bay, and entered the river that since has borne his name.

Favorable reports from Hudson's navigator immediately set in motion other expeditions to New Netherlands.

Before 1614, a fleet of Dutch vessels under the command of Captain Cornelius Jacobson Mey, arrived at Delaware Bay and two years later Captain Cornelius Hendrickson sailed up the Delaware and discovered the Schuykill , the site of Philadelphia.

The Dutch West India Company was chartered in 1621. In 1623 Captain May established Fort Nassau on the east shore just north of today's Wilmington, Delaware. Another settlement was made on the same east banks of the Delaware, but even by 1631 no white man had made settlement on the rivers west banks.

On the 12th of December, 1630, there came to Cape Henlopen , the southern capes, a party of colonists from Holland, under David Pietersson DeVries, of Hoorn, a bold and skilful seaman, and set up the finest personage settlement in America. A ship and a yacht bound to the Zudyt River, (South River), were sent from the Texel with a number of people and a large stock of cattle, the object being, to carry on a whole fishery in the region and to plant a
colony for cultivation of all sorts of grain, which the is well adapted to, and
tobacco. The colony was “Valley of the Swans”, or, Zwanendael, in the neighborhood of what is now the village of Lewes. A substantial building was erected, surrounded with palisades, a began a settlement.

After a few weeks the ship Walrus sailed on it's return trip to Holland with De Vries on board. The colony was left in charge of “Commisionary, Giles
Hosset. This colony was destined to be the most unfortunate and of short duration.

Back in Holland, DeVries, agreed to return to Zwanendael , fitted out two ships, and set sail from the Texel on 24 May 1632 in order to arrive in good time for the winter fishery. It was understood that whales come in the winter and remain until March. Upon his sailing, he received bad news, the colony had been destroyed by Indians, but proceeded with the expedition and on December 5, 1732, arrived at Cape Cornelius and found the report was all too true. The next day DeVries went ashore, found lying here and there the skulls and bones of people and the heads of horses and cows. There were no Indians visible so he returned to his vessel and had the gunner fire a shot or two to shore. The next day a group of Indians appeared.

Returning to shore, a conference occurred where DeVries received some
explanation of the disaster , which came about because of a misunderstanding. One of the party of Indians was induced to spend the night with the ship and rehearsed the story.

“ Commisonary Hosset had set upon a pole a sign of tin, with the Arms of Netherlands, as evidence of the its claim and profession, which the Indians mistook as “the purpose of making tobacco pipes”. The sign was destroyed by the Indians, and declared by the colony , an act of State, not larceny, and had the offender brought to him, excused by the colony, but executed by the tribe, which was blamed on the Dutch but other tribe members.

This was during the season when the men of the colony were engaged in cultivation of distant fields of crops and away from the palisade. The Indians took this advantage, entered the colony on a trade pretense and murdered Hosset and a sentinel, killing the stock and watch dog, then went to the fields and massacred every individual. DeVries did not blame Hosset nor did he chastise the Indians, and did not set upon them any punitive expedition, feeling more bloodshed would not heal the wounds already made. With the view to future fishing he exchanged goods with them and made an engagement of peace

The new year, 1643, 1st of January, DeVries set sail up the river and on the 6th arrived at Fort Nassau which was now deserted except by Indians of which he was suspicious, but traded with upon extreme caution. DeVries remained in the vicinity of Fort Nassau several days on alert and nearly fell victim here to betrayal of the natives who had directed him to haul his yacht into the narrow Timmerkill. convenient to attack.

DeVries had been warned by a female Indian and told of the crew of an English vessel from Jamestown, Virginia, which were murdered in the river the past September while exploring it. Returning to Fort Nassau he found it was filled with savages.

January 10th, he drifted his yacht off on an ebb tide, anchored at noon on the bar at Jacques Island and on the 13th rejoined his ship at Zwanendael . This island has been identified as Little Tinicum, opposite the Greater Tinicum, now part of
Delaware county Pennsylvania , the creek in which he lay was therefore Ridley Creek or perhaps Chester Creek , but DeVries was within the State of Pennsylvania.

That April DeVries returned to Holland, thus, after twenty five years since the discovery of the Delaware by Hudsom, not a single European remained on its shores.

Source: Abstract by Harrison Howeth, from 'The Indiana Gazette of Indiana, Pennsylvania,
Friday, December 7, 1923: Article “Pennsylvania History”, by
Frederick A Godcharles, Author, copyright 1823.

Thursday, April 27, 2017


Queen of Sheba,  common names,  garden  pinks  and  dianthus,  flower in May and June, grow to a

height of eight to ten inches, grow low bushy clump foliage,  like full son for flowering but will

 grow in the shade.  Need average garden soil, slightly sweet or treated with lime.  Grown plants are

drought resistant but young planting need to be watered regularly. These flowers are richly fragrant.

Dianthus in all its many forms have played a semiinal role in gardens for 2000 year or more. The

most beloved is Dianthue Plumarius, also known as Clove Pinks.

The Queen of Sheba is an old plant from the early 1600's , has a single row of  petals with a center of

white and fringed with a rose red.  Again, the flowers are strongly and sweetly scented.

Abstract : Sequim Rare Plants, Sequim,  Washington, USA

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Mosquito Control Program


The Delaware Mosquito Control Commission and the CCC workers seem to have been effective with the mosquito control campaign within the extensive salt marsh coastal region, where in the past vast hordes were carried to coastal towns by the breeze.

From the Baltimore Sun , a Lewes, Delaware dispatch it is learned that “the almost complete absence of mosquito's in Lewes and Rehoboth this summer is a general topic of conversation. Formerly, theses towns were unbearably plagued by the sale air mosquito invasions. During the hot spells this summer the land breezes blew as usual but the mosquito hordes did not accompany them. Relief from the pest is attributed to the extensive campaign against them.

Many persons who were skeptical at the onset, now agree the program has an effect. The “work”, thousands of feet of drainage ditches upon the sale marsh areas has eliminated “breeding places”, allows life out of doors both day and night, to be enjoyed.

Centered in lower Sussex county last winter, the campaign will now be extended to Kent and New Castle counties as Delaware is evidently convinced of its practical value.

Source: Times Picayune , New Orleans, Louisiana, July 23, 1935 article.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

2000 German POW's For Delaware Laborers.


Preparations are made for 2000 or more German POW's to arrive in Delaware early May to

serve the critical shortage of labor for down state Delaware farms and canneries, and lumber industry.

Acting Manpower Ddirector of Delaware, Elmer H. Smith, said the POW's will furnish labor

needs to farmers and canneries of lower Delaware, and will be adequately guarded by Army troops,

“will go a long way toward solving a labor shortage in the food processing plants of the state”.

The American government had urged farmers to produce increased vegetable crops and record

production is expected as is the loss of labor due to the draft and war production factories higher

wages. Transportation problems and restrictions will also effect migratory workers normally available.

Packers, farmers and other food producing establishment had requested the prisoner some time

ago through military authorities. Objections of Sussex county resident to the use of available

Japanese-American labor also was a factor for the request for alternative means to obtain needed


Fort du Pont's existing barracks and the vacant CCC camps in the lower counties will be

surrounded by stockades and become the living facilities for the summer months.

Wilmington Morning News, April 20, 1944, Wilmington, Delaware, Sussex County News Items.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017





Annapolis, Maryland April 20, 1887: Lieutenant John W. Danenhower, of Artic fame,
was discovered at 10 o'clock this morning, dead, in hid quarters at the Naval Academy, with a bullet hole in the right temple, lying on a rug in front of his fireplace, with a tag tied tied to his buttonhole, saying “Send to my brother in Washington”. Although he has had mental trouble since his return from the Arctic regions it is thought what immediately led to the suicide is the recent grounding of the “U.S.S. Constellation” in the Chesapeake Bay on its way to Norfolk in April of 1877, when he was assigned to the U. S. Naval Academy to train cadets.

John Wilson Denehower was born in Chicago, Illinois, September 30, 1849. After graduating in 1870, a Midshipman, he was assigned to the U.S.S. Plymouth, then the U.S.S. Juniata, in the European Squadron for two years. Advance to Ensign , he served on the U.S.S. Portsmouth , during survey and exploring cruises 1871 to 1874. He was then order to examination for Master and received his commission. In 1875 he was assigned to the Naval Observatory in Washington, D. C. and put over signal duty under Commodore Parker. 1876 and 1877 he was attached to the U.S.S. Vandalia on her cruise of the Mediterranean with General Grant and his family and visited the Holy Land.

It was just before this cruise that the lieutenant began to show signs of an unbalanced mind and his malady soon assumed a form so violent that in the year 1875 , after he had been found wandering in a North Carolina wilderness , that authorities deemed it necessary to secure proper treatment at the St. Elizabeth Insane Asylum in Washington, D.C. Where he was confined and treated for two months.

In July 1878 he left the Vandalia and sailed to Havre France and joined the U.S.S. Jeannetta which had been fitted out by James Gordon Bennett, head of the New York Herald , for an exploring expedition to the Arctic sea in 1879. The ship was caught in a freeze, crushed by the ice. The crew survived by walking across the ice to open water to seek rescue.

Danenhower returned to New York May 28. 1882, placed on waiting orders during the official inquiry into the loss of the Jeannette and was granted a years leave of absence, during which he delivered a number of lecturers and was married while in New York to Helen Lafin Slone (1857-1915),
daughter of George B. Slone, speaker of the house of New York They met 18 months ago whilehe was guest at her home during a leacture. Married in Christ Church with 600 guest. They had two children, Slone, born 1885, and Ruth, born 1887.

September 1884 when his health and eyesight were somewhat restored, he was assigned to the Naval Academy for duty as an instructor of chemistry and physics . Subsequently he became an assistant commandant of cadets which he held until his death.



Parents were William 1 Weaver, Danenhower, (1820 – 1894), and Elizabeth Sue Uber,

(1823 – 1920). In 1860 they were resident at Ward 5, Chicago, He had siblings; Charles Danenhower,

born 1841, died 1908; Rachel Elizabeth Danenhower, born 1846, died 1936; William Weaver 2

Danenhower, born 1852, in Illinois , died 1923; Washington Danenhower, born 1854, in Illinois, died

1942; Belle Danenhower, born 1861, in Washington D.C. died 1952. Rachel married Mr. Schenck.

Belle married Mr. Williams. 1870 the family lived in Bladensburg, Maryland and in 1880 their

residence was Georgetown,, D.C. Mr. Danenhower was a lawyer in the 1870 -1880 period in

Washington, D. C.

John Wilson Danenhower is buried in Riverside Cemetery, Oswego , New York. His funeral was

held in Marion, Ohio. April 1887.

November 11, 2011 a descendant, Rusty Danenhower Lang made note “I am proud to be your


Ancestry Tree: author wordwytch of Tulsa Oklahoma.

Sunday, April 16, 2017


MARCH 16 1917


By the United Press via Sayvill Wireless reported by Wilmington Evening Journal, Friday, March 16, 1917, Wilmington, Delaware.

Few large fighting actions reported on the WESTERN FRONT in today report. In the ANCRE sector and on both sides of the SOMME between AVRE and the OIAN there were forefield engagements in which there were prisoners brought in. Also near ARRAS in the ARGONNE , and on the east side of the MEUSE near CHAMBUTTES in the forest of APREMONT and north of the RHINE MARINE canal , our thrusting detachments succeeded in bringing in four officers and more than fifty ranks with machine guns from hostile trenches.

On the EASTERN FRONT there was nothing important because of frosty weather again.

Between the AVRE lines a French detachment last night occupied a number of German positons ,
imprisoning many.

In the CHAMPAGNE, artillery activity was reported at several points. On the right bank of the MEUSE a number of German raids were repulsed.

A small enemy steamer attempting to cross the TIGRIS river was set on fire, captured practically undamaged the report from MESOPOTAMIAN expeditionary force asserted. The vessel carried 250 guns and a large amount of ammunition.

Turkish forces are still in retreat beyond BAGDAD

1917 German Sub Commander Asked Survivors for Ships Name, Etc.

The British steamer "Mommon Dakar"  was sunk by a  German  submarine, March 12, without a warning according to a message from Liverpool  Consul.

The official message :  " Captain Briscoe,  chief officer  Berlow,  British subjects;   Mather Hill, Gainsville, Texas,   Charles Edward Wood,  Portland , Oregon,   Jacob Simon, age 16,  Staten Island, only Americans on board.   Survivors".

"Affirmed:  British steamer Mommon Daker, Hul, February 20,  cargo;  palm oil ;  unarmed,  torpedoed without warning;  boilers exploded;  six crew killed,  sank 10 minutes,  seas smooth, weather fine".

"Submarine emerged, German officer asked name of ship, home port,  cargo,  demanded official papers".

Captain Briscoe replied "papers lost with ship",  then asked direction of nearest land to which the German officer replied " northeast, 27 mile,  Portland light, no vessels sighted"

Survivors  were picked up at midnight.

United Press, Wilmington Evening Journal, Wilmington, Delaware, Friday March 16  1917. 

Wednesday, April 12, 2017



In the year 1877 if you were living in the vicinity of the Chesapeake Bay and wanted to go someplace other than where you were, you could go down to the river, catch a ship going almost any where. Take a look at these steamboat schedules.

On and after Monday, April 20, the steamer “George Law” will leave Chestertown every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 7 am, Ralphs at 7:15, Bookers at 7:45, Quaker Neck at 8, Greys Inn at 8:20, Queenstown at 9:30, Kent Island at 10, arriving to Baltinore at 12:30 pm.

Returning will leave Baltimore every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 10 am, and make the above stops.

Freight taken at reduced rates.


On and after Saturday, April 7, 1877, the steamer “ Highland Light” , Captain E. T. Leonard,
will leave pier 3, Light Street, foot of Camden, every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 9 pm, for Easton, Double Mills, Oxford, Clora's Point, Wallacks, Cambridge, Chancellor's Point, Cabin Creek and Medfords.

Making close connections with the Maryland & Delaware Railroad at Easton, and Dorchester & Delaware Railroad at Cambridge.

The Tuesday trip will extend to Denton making all the regular landings on the river.

On the return trip will leave Denton every Wednesday at noon, and every Monday, Wednesday and Friday will leave Medford's at 2, Cambridge at 5, Easton at 9 pm, arriving in Baltimore early the next morning. Freight solicited at low rate and careful handling.

Source: Denton Journal, April 1877, Denton Maryland, abstracts.




The undersigned having purchased the Hotel lately occupied by Manlove Adams. long known as the “Milford Hotel” and having assumed the proprietorship thereof , takes this method of informing his friends and the traveling public in general, that he intends to use every exertion to make the house
“A First Class Hotel” .

Every department will be attended by polite and obliging Servants. The table will be supplied with the best the market and surrounding country side can afford. Chambers will be well ventilated and kept in the most neat and comfortable order.

The Bar will at all times will be supplied with all the “ Choice Brands of Liquor”, both foreign and domestic, also Porter, Ale, Sarsaparilla, Mineral Water, lemonade and various types of syrups.
In fact, all kinds of drinks, either hot of cold, served up to suit the most fastidious.

There will be all brands of tobacco and seagars.

Daily and weekly newspapers and pictorials from all parts of the United States , of all political
proelivities, will at all times be found in the reading room.

The stables will be attended by careful and experienced Ostlers and the different varieties and best quality of provender will be kept on hand. Persons leaving Horses and carriages in my care can rest assured of their receiving the best possible attention.

With these and other accommodations that lay in my power to extend to the Public, I hope to receive a liberal share of public patronage.

The Livery Stable, connected with the House, where horses and carriages may be hired, or, persons can be conveyed to any part of the Peninsula

As there are times when political feelings influence , I here state, that in the management of my House, shall not make any distinction. Any political party who wish to be accommodated , the first to apply will have the preference.

J. Lowery, Proprietor
Milford Hotel 1865
Milford, Delaware

Friday, May 26. 1865, The Union, Georgetown, Delaware

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

1877 Eastern Shore Maryland Store advertisments


What did a farm store, like an farm equipment dealer, sell everyday in the 1870's and 1880's?

Here is a list of items advertised at the Easton, Maryland, business of Thomas C. Nichols at

Washington & Dover Streets.

Hardware and cutiery, seeds, harness, tinware, plows, cultivators and every description of

argicultural implements, steam engines, saw mills, grist mills, cart, wagon, carriage materials, carts

& wagons, harness , housekeeping and building hardware. Lime, hair, cement, plaster, fertilizers.


Jarrell, Nichols & Cox of Easton, has told their customers that they are selling 'lower that ever',

Foregin and domestic dry goods, linens and housekeeping goods, gentlemens furnishinng goods,

ladies dress goods, black silks, cottonades and cassimeres,

Notions, white spreads, napkins and table linens. BARGAINS

At the same time in Denton, the agent for the Howe Machine Company, William R. Emerson, 

in order to increase his sales the next sixty days, he will sell the new light running Ellas Howe 

SewingMachine, a $65 machine, for $42 cash.    A great Reduction in price of Sewing Machines.

Other styles and makes in proportion, all warranted the best machines in the market.

The Denton Journal of Denton, Maryland, Saturday April 14, 1877

Friday, April 7, 2017

Emma Marsh


Donalda Marsh Jones, wife of George. Frank Jones, farmer and carpenter, of Angola/LoveCreek, Camp Arrowhead Road, Marshtown, was very good friend of my mother, Edith Corkran Howeth. My respect for Donalda is reason enough that I record the following data of her mothers death.

Thursday, September 21, 1922, Denver Post, Denver Colorado. “Mrs Emma F. Marsh, Mother of Denver city Attorney, Dead”

Mrs Emma F. Marsh, mother of City Attorney James Alfred Marsh is dead at her homein Lewes, Delaware, according to word received by Mr. Marsh from his sister.
Mrs Marsh, who was 65 years old died suddenly, according to the telegram announcing her
death. She was the widow of Samuel Paynter Marsh who died in 1920.
Beside the city attorney, two daughters, Mrs. Frank Jones of Lewes, Delaware and Mrs, noble Palmer of Sweethall, Virginia, survive.

Emma Florence McIlvain was born 4 January 1854, Indian River Hundresd, Sussex county, Delaware to Alfred and Harriet Jane Perry McIlvain. She died 16 September 1922 and is buried in Conley Chapel Cemetery, Angola. Emma a descendant of the Sussex pioneer Peery family

26 December 1878 she married Samuel Paynter Marsh, born Indian River, Sussex County, Delaware, to John Patrick Wilson Marsh and his wife Mary Paynter Marsh. Samuel was a grandson of the well respected Dr. Joseph H. Marsh. Jr., who had a medical practice in the Lewes and Angola area for many years.

Emma and Samuel had seven children; James Alfred, born 25 October 1879 in at Lewes, married Laura Joseph in Delaware, became a lawyer, and city attorney of Denver, Colorado, where his died 25 March 1946 ; Samuel Perry , born 1882, was a telegraph operator, died of consumption at age 25, in 1907 ; Mary E. Marsh born 1883 , married Nobel Palmer and resided in Sweethall, Virginia ; Harriet E. born 1887 , died at age 22 of TB, in 1909 ; Herschel M. born 1888, no records ; Donalda T. , born 1891, married George Frank Jones, farmer and carpenter, and owned a farm on Camp Arrowhead road, at an area once known as Marshtown, situated on Love Creek. They also owned property in Rehoboth Beach along the Rehoboth-Lewes Canal, where Frank built rental cabins for summer visitors. They were very good friends of our Howeth family for many years. Last was Ruth born 1895, only lived three years.

Thursday, September 21, 1922, Denver Post, Denver, Colorado,, and,

Thursday, April 6, 2017



Hog Island sheep are a breed that descend from English sheep brought to America in the
1700's by colonist to Northumberland county Virginia. Today, the breed is endangered and preserved by organizations because of its relevance to American history and is thought to have traits somewhat lost in more modern breeds.
First a bit about Hog Island itself, laying off the Delmarva Peninsula coast of Virginia, one of the so called barrier islands southeast of Exmore and Willis Wharf in Northampton county, Virginia. It is four miles long and two miles wide, Hog Island was colonized in the 17th century soon after the Jamestown Colony. It is thought John Smith first discovered the island and noted it was full of a small species of bear living in the cane breaks which were numerous on the island. Earliest history records dated 1672 is a “letter patent” to grant tracts to a group of colonist, 23 men and two women. They were so isolated from the world that there is no history to be told.
The Indians named it Machipongo which means fine dust and flies. Mosquitoes made the island uninhabitable to them and they only visited certain periods of the year to fish and hunt. A waste land, full of swamp grass, sea meadow fields , fit only for grazing herds of wiry cattle.
At one time it had a town, Broadwater, forty famlies and a Life Saving Station and lighthouse, all gone since 1930 when a storm brought flooding and erosion . Most of the homes at Broadwater were moved by barge to Willis Wharf area on the main lands. Hog Island is now under ownership of Virginia Coast Reserve of the Nature Conservancy.
When the Hog Island population left the island, the most of their stok of sheep were left to survive on their own. They became feral, hardy and efficient in foraging and reproduction, forming a distinct breed with fewer than 200 sheep. There is a society of private owners doing research and conservation and The United States Department of Agriculture's National Animal Germplasm Program.
What are the Hog Island Sheep good for ? Mainly for their wool which is medium fine to medium course, can be colored silver, caramel or dark brown, easily carded, spun and felted.

Source: April 4 2017 Cape Gazette / / fingerlakeswoolen mill.

Saturday, April 1, 2017



First a brief bit about Bristol England, situated in southern England, maybe was known as Bryogstow. It was a populated place by the year 1000 and twenty years later was known to be a trading center with it's own mint to produce silver coin bearing the name. When under Norman rule it had the strongest and well fortified castle in southern England.

The 11th century saw Bristol as a port on the rivers Avon and Frome. In 1373 Bristol became a county and was a shipbuilding and manufacturing center. The 15th century Bristol seamen launched many exploration voyages, leading to early English explorers in the days of Queen Elizabeth.

1491 the first Bristol explorers tried to discover the new world and for seven years sent from two to four ships each year on these voyages, joined by Spain an Portugal. . John Cabot , undertook his great task in 1497 from Bristol.

Cabot , born in Venice, emigrated to Bristol, married and had three sons, on being Sabastian, who sailed the Mathew to Newfoundland and was responsible for discoveries of regions, dominions, islands and places unknown. His ships visited Russia, the first English ships to do so. 1501 Robert Thorne of Bristol made voyages and discoveries in “ new found lands”. Trade went well from Bristol to Spain and the Mediterranean .

A story of John Rawlings of Bristol, captured by pirates, sold as slave in Algeria, where he an others of his crew were sold and put as crew aboard a captured ship of Bristol, the “Exchange”, and at sea in a terrible fight threw their captors overboard and returned the ship back to Bristol.

People of other crafts began to engage in the profitable shipping and this led to a petition from the merchants and King Edward IV granted “ Merchant Ventures of Bristol” that admission was by apprenticeship only to a society of merchants. Many expeditions to discover western lands fitted up at Bristol.

Trade rivalry between Britain and Spain caused the Bristol men to stand up the the Spaniards, foot to foot, at the expedition of Cadiz in 1596, where John Hopkins of the Merchant Ventures of Bristol became known as a hero and won high renown and gratitude for the victory and defeat of the Great Spanish Armada.

Source: Wilmington Delaware News Journal , Monday November 17, 1930
The Bristol Development Board