Wednesday, April 12, 2017




The undersigned having purchased the Hotel lately occupied by Manlove Adams. long known as the “Milford Hotel” and having assumed the proprietorship thereof , takes this method of informing his friends and the traveling public in general, that he intends to use every exertion to make the house
“A First Class Hotel” .

Every department will be attended by polite and obliging Servants. The table will be supplied with the best the market and surrounding country side can afford. Chambers will be well ventilated and kept in the most neat and comfortable order.

The Bar will at all times will be supplied with all the “ Choice Brands of Liquor”, both foreign and domestic, also Porter, Ale, Sarsaparilla, Mineral Water, lemonade and various types of syrups.
In fact, all kinds of drinks, either hot of cold, served up to suit the most fastidious.

There will be all brands of tobacco and seagars.

Daily and weekly newspapers and pictorials from all parts of the United States , of all political
proelivities, will at all times be found in the reading room.

The stables will be attended by careful and experienced Ostlers and the different varieties and best quality of provender will be kept on hand. Persons leaving Horses and carriages in my care can rest assured of their receiving the best possible attention.

With these and other accommodations that lay in my power to extend to the Public, I hope to receive a liberal share of public patronage.

The Livery Stable, connected with the House, where horses and carriages may be hired, or, persons can be conveyed to any part of the Peninsula

As there are times when political feelings influence , I here state, that in the management of my House, shall not make any distinction. Any political party who wish to be accommodated , the first to apply will have the preference.

J. Lowery, Proprietor
Milford Hotel 1865
Milford, Delaware

Friday, May 26. 1865, The Union, Georgetown, Delaware

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