ordinance for regulation of owners, riders, drivers of carriages,
wagons, carts, drays and horses within the Borough of Wilmington,
1: Be it ordained by the Burgesses and Borough Council of the
Borough of Wilmington: That from and after the passing of this
ordinance, all and every the drivers or driver of all stages,
coaches, wagons, carts drays and all other
of pleasure or burden , driving and passing in and through the
streets and lanes or alleys, of this Borough, shall keep on that
side of the street, lane or alley on his or their right hand,
respectively, in the passing direction, and if any driver of any
such carriage, wagon, cart or dray, shall drive the same in the
middle of the street, lane or alley, or on the left hand side of the
same, so as to prevent or or obstruct another carriage from passing
along said street, every driver so offending shall forfeit and pay
for each and every such offense, a sum, not to exceed five dollars,
nor less that one dollar, to be recovered with cost, before either of
the Burgesses , in the same manor as debts of under 40 shilling are
by law recoverable, one moiety whereof shall be for the use of the
person suing for the same, and the other moiety shall be for the use
of the Borough.
2: And be it further ordained: That if any driver of any such
carriage or if any person riding upon any horse, mare or gelding
shall permit or suffer the beast or beasts he shall so drive or
ride, to go to a gallop or other immoderate gait, or shall engage in
running or racing in any manner with the driver or rider of
any other carriage, horse, mare or gelding, within any streets, lanes
or alley of this Borough, every person so offending shall forfeit
and pay for every such offense a sum not exceeding five dollars nor
less than one dollar to be recovered with cost, by any person in the
manner and for the uses herein before mentioned.
3: And be it further ordained: That if any person shall willfully
permit or suffer any horse, mare or gelding to go at large through
any streets, lands or alleys of this Borough, every person so
offending shall forfeit and pay for every offense, the sum of one
dollar, to be recovered with cost by any person in the manner and for
the uses herein before mentioned.
4: And be it further ordained: The the ordinance entitled “ An
ordinance to prevent the accidents and dangers that may happen by
people driving heir teams out of a walk faster than is herein
specified, and any persons playing at long bullets or any other game
whereby there be damage sustained “ passed on the thirty first day
of August in the year of our lord 1751, be and the same is hereby
repealed, made null and void .
at the Town Hall April 7, 1827
B Robson, First Burgess
J. P. Fairlamb,
of the Borough Council
April 30, 2017, Harrison Howeth, from Thursday, May 3, 1827,
Wilmingtonian and Delaware Advertiser, Wilmington, Delaware.
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