Tuesday, April 11, 2017

1877 Eastern Shore Maryland Store advertisments


What did a farm store, like an farm equipment dealer, sell everyday in the 1870's and 1880's?

Here is a list of items advertised at the Easton, Maryland, business of Thomas C. Nichols at

Washington & Dover Streets.

Hardware and cutiery, seeds, harness, tinware, plows, cultivators and every description of

argicultural implements, steam engines, saw mills, grist mills, cart, wagon, carriage materials, carts

& wagons, harness , housekeeping and building hardware. Lime, hair, cement, plaster, fertilizers.


Jarrell, Nichols & Cox of Easton, has told their customers that they are selling 'lower that ever',

Foregin and domestic dry goods, linens and housekeeping goods, gentlemens furnishinng goods,

ladies dress goods, black silks, cottonades and cassimeres,

Notions, white spreads, napkins and table linens. BARGAINS

At the same time in Denton, the agent for the Howe Machine Company, William R. Emerson, 

in order to increase his sales the next sixty days, he will sell the new light running Ellas Howe 

SewingMachine, a $65 machine, for $42 cash.    A great Reduction in price of Sewing Machines.

Other styles and makes in proportion, all warranted the best machines in the market.

The Denton Journal of Denton, Maryland, Saturday April 14, 1877

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